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Модератор форума: DraculaX, RaVeN, Reiko  
DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:42:28 | Сообщение # 46
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Heretic, а с твоей ссылы оно в pk3? Я, кажись, с какого-то народовского сайта качал

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!
DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:45:52 | Сообщение # 47
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скрины smile :

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!
HereticДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:47:13 | Сообщение # 48
Ψ ωοrld ξνil Ψ
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1165
Статус: Offline
Doomer, короче говоря, содержание моего архива (версия 1.01):
- data/jDoom/jDRP.pk3 (33 MB)
- defs/jDoom/lDRP.ded (4,4 KB)
- docs/jDRPReadme.txt (9,4 KB)
Version 1.01

by Daniel Swanson (Dani J)


1. Introduction
1.1 History
1.2 Features
2. Installation
2.1 Customisation via jDRP.ded
3. Paths, Structure & Naming Conventions
3.1 jDRP Structure
3.2 Suggested Addon Structure
4. Contributors
5. Bugs?
6. Contacts


The jDoom Resource Pack (jDRP) is designed to provide resources for use in jDoom,
a sourceport based on iD game DOOM, which runs under The Doomsday Engine by
Jaakko Kerдnen.

The original Doom is a phenomenon. The fact that this pack and The Doomsday Engine
exist, is testament to the effect this series has had in capturing the imaginations
of players across the world.

The goal of the jDRP is provide upto date, high quality resources to heighten the
Doom gaming experience above and beyond that of Doom, whilst staying true to it's

1.1 History

The jDRP has developed from the Modelpack, which has undergone many changes over
the years. In latter versions, the modelpack diversified to include much more than
models and now provides all the extended resources used by jDoom.

The pack has had many maintainers over the years, the following is a list of all
previous maintainers:

Aug 2003 - The current maintainer Daniel Swanson aka Dani J
Aug 2002 > Aug 2003 - Anton Rzheshevski aka Cheb
Mar 2002 > Aug 2002 - Abbs
Before Mar 2002 I don't know...

The jDRP uses resources contributed from various different sources.
Refer to section 4-Contributors for further details.

1.2 Features

* 3D models replacing everything in Doom. From player characters to HUD weapons
* Particle textures used for new effects and modifications of others (eg gore fx)

Features Planned for future versions:
In the future I would like to see other resources made available by the jDRP,
such as a standard hires texture pack and high quality soundfx & music.


If you downloaded the version of the jDRP with the automatic installer all you
should need to do now is open up Kickstart and select the jDRP Addon.

For Win32 users who use KickStart I have included a ksa Addon profile for the
jDRP. With the pack installed in the default locations all you need to do is
launch KickStart and activate the jDRP in the Addons tab. If you don't wish to
use Kickstart, follow the instructions below as for Linux/Mac users.

If youv'e done a manual install this is where everything goes:
eg: if doomsday is installed in c:\Doomsday install to c:\Doomsday\data\jdoom.

jDRP.pk3 --> Doomsday/Data\jDoom
jDRP.ded --> Doomsday/Defs\jDoom
jDRP*.ksa --> Doomsday/kicksprofiles
\Docs\*.* --> Doomsday/docs

Linux/Mac users. Atm there is no KickStart launcher application for your platform.
For that reason you need to tell Doomsday where to find the jDRP files.

Doomsday has built in support to automatically load data files if placed in the
correct folder. To use this feature this is where you need to place the jDRP files:

jDRP.pk3 --> Doomsday/Data/jDoom/auto
jDRP.ded --> Doomsday/Defs/jDoom/auto
\Docs\*.* --> Doomsday/docs

The other alternative is to install the files to the 'standard' location as per the
Win32 with KickStart install. And then add the following to the command line when
starting jDoom:

-file }Data/jDoom/jDRP.pk3 -def }Defs/jDoom/jDRP.ded


It is possible to customise which parts of the jDRP you would like to use by editing
jDRP.ded (found in Defs/jDoom in a standard install). Each part of the jDRP is
modular and is self contained in it's own .pk3 within the main jDRP.pk3

Say for instance you wanted to disable just the Demon model. Open jDRP.ded an look
for this line:

Include "M-Demon.ded";

To disable it, all you need to do is comment out that line with the '#' character.

# Include "M-Demon.ded";


Due to the vast amount of user created addons it soon became apparent that an
easily modified structure was needed. This structure follows the guide lines set
by The Doomsday Engine.

Note: All paths will be used relative to The Doomsday Engine base path.

3.1 jDRP Structure

|______Info.inf -Info file containing details about the pack
| |_jDoom
| |_____Auto -All module pk3's go here
| |_____Patches -All Hires patches shared by all Doom game variants:
| | |_doom1
| | |_doom2
| | |_doom2-plut
| | |_doom2-tnt
| |
| |_____Textures -All textures & particle textures
| |_____Models -All models
|______defs -All definition files (.ded)
|______docs -All documentation (including this file)

The models directory is futher subdivided as follows:

|______Decor -All decorations in folders prefixed into types:
| |_L-BigLamp - L = LIGHTS
| |_M-EvilEye - M = MISC
| |_N-BigTree - N = NATURE
| |_G-StonePillar - G = GOTHIC
| |_T-Barrel - T = Tech
| \|/
|______FX -Standard FX used by other models/things:
| |_Explosions
| |_Fire
|______HUD -All HUD weapons in folders:
| |_BFG
| |_Chaingun
| |_Chainsaw
| \|/
|______Items -All collectable items in folders prefixed into types:
| |_A-Cell - A = AMMO
| |_E-ComputerMap - E = EQUIPMENT
| |_H-Medikit - H = HEALTH/ARMOR
| |_K-BlueCard - K = KEYS
| |_P-Berzerk - P = POWERUPS
| \|/
|______Monsters -All monsters in folders:
| |_Arachnotron
| |_HellKnight
| \|/
|______Player -All player (marine) models:
|______Projectiles -All projectiles in folders:


I suggest that third partys use a similar structure for distributing addons.
This is so that they can be easily used via an addon management program.

|______Info.inf -Info file containing details about the pack.
| An example file is included in the jDRP docs folder
| |_jDoom
| |_____Auto -All module pk3's go here
| |_____Patches -All Hires patches shared by all Doom game variants:
| | |_doom1
| | |_doom2
| | |_doom2-plut
| | |_doom2-tnt
| |
| |_____Textures -All textures & particle textures
| |_____Models -All models
|______defs -All definition files (.ded)
|______docs -All documentation


The jDRP has had many contributors over the years here's a run down on who's helped:

Aklash Pahk
Dani J - That's me!
Edmundo Bordeu
Jonn Gorden
other SOG members - http://www.planetquake.com/sog/

+ Many others who have helped in other ways,
Phoebus aka William Mull
Skyjake aka Jaakko Kerдnen

I do my best to make sure everyone who contributes to the pack gets a mention but
if your work appears in the pack and I haven't mentioned you here, then let me know.
(see section 6-Contacts)

Note: All paths will be used relative to The Doomsday Engine base path.

5. BUGS?

Being the $up3r l33t person I am the pack doesn't have any...
Nah just kidding, if you find something you think is a bug then let me know.
Please provide good instructions on how to recreate the bug and I'll do my best
to fix it. (see section 6-Contacts)


Feel free to contact me about anything regarding the pack. Or just to tell me what
a great job I've done ;)

You can reach me at either http://modelyard.newdoom.com/
or by emailing me at dani.j@ddsdesign.co.uk

Have fun and enjoy the pack. It's taken many people, much hard work to produce it.

Dani J
- kiksprofiles/jDRP.ksa (853 B)

HereticДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:47:55 | Сообщение # 49
Ψ ωοrld ξνil Ψ
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1165
Статус: Offline
Что делать? Пошагово? smile

DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:50:27 | Сообщение # 50
Группа: Хранители
Сообщений: 1132
Статус: Offline
в принципе, pk3 можно открыть ВинРаром, я открывал. А что, с auto не считывает? засунь туда jdrp.pk3

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!
HereticДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:54:58 | Сообщение # 51
Ψ ωοrld ξνil Ψ
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Сообщений: 1165
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Doomer, когда я скачал еретиковский архив, там был тока файл jHRP.pk3, который я засунул в 'некоторый диск':\Doomsday\data\jHeretic\auto\. Но когда я засовываю jDRP.pk3 в 'некоторый диск':\Doomsday\data\jDoom\auto\, то ничего не происходит. Попутно я распихиваю остальные файлы согласно инструкции...

DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:55:12 | Сообщение # 52
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Сообщений: 1132
Статус: Offline
kicks.exe настроил? путь к IWAD и т.п? сама игра запускается?

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!
HereticДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:57:17 | Сообщение # 53
Ψ ωοrld ξνil Ψ
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Doomer, кикса у меня не было. я потом скачал, но он некорректно загружается, грит, "ни**я я не нашел профиля". Но в инструкции, которую я выложил выше, написано, что думсдэй сам всё увидит в папках авто....

DraculaXДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:57:48 | Сообщение # 54
Sεrpεñτ Rιdεr
Группа: Хранители
Сообщений: 2435
Статус: Offline
Я вообще Kicks.exe не встречал... Это только в думе?

Только тот кто прошел тяжелое испытание сможет получить аудиенцию у Эйдолона ©
HereticДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 20:58:15 | Сообщение # 55
Ψ ωοrld ξνil Ψ
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1165
Статус: Offline
Сама игра пашет, объема нет, объема, модели не грузятся! cry

DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 21:01:20 | Сообщение # 56
Группа: Хранители
Сообщений: 1132
Статус: Offline
Heretic, тааак, качай с оф. сайта Doomsday engine. С помощью кикс ты настроишь defs, models и прочую ботву. Без кикса я не делал

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!
HereticДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 21:02:05 | Сообщение # 57
Ψ ωοrld ξνil Ψ
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Сообщений: 1165
Статус: Offline
Doomer, ок

DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 21:02:26 | Сообщение # 58
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Сообщений: 1132
Статус: Offline
вот отсюда скачай для винды версию 1.8.6

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!
DraculaXДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 21:02:44 | Сообщение # 59
Sεrpεñτ Rιdεr
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Doomer, А почему у меня в Heretic и Hexen без кикса все норамльно пошло??? Зачем он нужен?

Только тот кто прошел тяжелое испытание сможет получить аудиенцию у Эйдолона ©
DoomerДата: Среда, 2007-01-24, 21:03:25 | Сообщение # 60
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Сообщений: 1132
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DraculaX, это для всего biggrin . см. пост 58

Фанаты старых игр-объединяйтесь!

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