Дата: Суббота, 2018-01-06, 05:57:04 | Сообщение # 1
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Maelstrom's Heretic: Element Storm (от 2009) за авторством Maelstrom и Starscream, равно как и его свежая (от 29 ноября 2017) доработка Fulgurite Edition за авторством Captain Ventris представляет собой комплексный детально проработанный мод для Еретика (только для него к сожалению), включающий новый арсенал, зверинец и уникальную игровую механику основанную на полной взаимосвязи оных (зверинца и оружия). Главная изюминка заключается в реализации системы сопротивлений и уязвимостей мобов к различным типам урона, в зависимости от элементальной природы самих мобов и оружия. В целом напоминает продвинутую версию Colourful Hell мода для Еретика. Гарантировано работает на GZDoom и Skulltag.
1. Мод базируется на взаимосвязи 10 элементов, каждый из которых заметно отличается по цвету, а посему вы сможете определить природу монстра. 2. Каждый монстр имеет 10 разновидностей - по одной на элемент. 3. Каждый из них имеет определённые слабости, резисты и способности в зависимости от природы элемента. 4. Также введены 10 типов оружия - по одному на элемент, имейте в виду что оружие не будет действовать на монстра того же элемента (за исключением Energy/Power монстров, которые получают 2,5хУРОН от оружия того же типа).
Элемент : Цвет монстра
Fire : Красный Water : Синий Earth : Коричневый Air : Золотой (Бирюзовый в Fulgurite Edition (FE - здесь и далее)) Steel (Metal в FE) : Серый Acid/Radiation : Зелёный Energy/Power : Фиолетовый (Жёлтый в FE) Glass (Crystal в FE) : Белый/Светло-серый (Фиолетовый в FE) Монстры следующих элементов появляются реже в связи с их повышенной мощью; также они являются антагонистами друг другу и имеют резисты ко всем остальным типам урона. Light (Sacred в FE) : Розовый/Телесного цвета (Белый в FE) Dark (Profane в FE) : Чёрный/Тёмно-серый (Чёрный в FE)
Каждый из них имеет определённые слабости и бонусы, кроме Тёмных и Светлых элементов - они лишены каких-либо слабостей:
Элемент : Свойства
Fire: Повышенная скорость атаки, пытается сбежать когда при смерти, оставляет безвредный огненный след (исчезает при бегстве). Water: Повышенная скорость движения, пониженное здоровье. Earth: Повышенное здоровье, пониженная скорость движения. Air: Значительно повышенная скорость движения, значительно пониженное здоровье, Steel: Значительно повышенное здоровье, значительно пониженная скорость движения. Acid/Radiation: Урон ядом (DoT), пониженная скорость атаки. Energy/Power: Регенерирует, получает повышенный урон от своего же типа, взрывается если убит родным элементом, оставляет след. Glass: Слегка призрачен, отражает снаряды в атакующего (но урон при этом получает), не может быть воскрешён. Light: Значительно повышенная скорость движения, повышенное здоровье, иммунен к боли, снаряды слегка наводятся, воскрешает союзников, слегка призрачен. Dark: Значительно повышенное здоровье, повышенная скорость движения, иммунен к боли, сплэш, едва видим, регенерирует.
Элементальные сопротивления и слабости монстров:
Fire: 0% Damage from Fire. 200% Damage From Water. 25% Damage From Earth. Water: 0% Damage from Water. 200% Damage From Energy/Power. 25% Damage from Fire. Earth: 0% Damage from Earth. 200% Damage from Fire. 25% Damage from Air. Air: 0% Damage from Air. 200% Damage from Earth. 25% Damage from Acid/Radiation. Steel: 0% Damage from Steel. 200% Damage from Acid/Radiation. 25% Damage from Glass. Acid/Radiation: 0% Damage from Acid/Radiation. 200% Damage from Air. 25% Damage from Steel Energy/Power: 250% Damage from Energy/Power. 200% Damage from Glass. 25% Damage from Water. Glass: 0% Damage from Glass. 200% Damage from Steel. 25% Damage from Energy/Power. Light: 0% Damage from Light. 250% Damage from Dark. 50% Damage from everything else. Dark: 0% Damage from Dark. 250% Damage from Light. 50% Damage from everything else.
Также были добавлены элементальные сферы в помощь игроку:
Pyro Sphere - монстры разбегаются от вас - Fire Aqua Sphere - супер скорость - Water Geo Sphere - снижение урона - Earth Nimbus Sphere - полёт - Air Iron Sphere - бессмертие - Steel Crystal Sphere - невидимость - Glass Corrosive Sphere - 4хУРОН - Acid/Radiation Atomic Sphere - регенерация - Energy Malicious Sphere - вампиризм - Dark Angelic Sphere - остановка времени - Light
Fulgurite Edition
В FE на каждой карте случайно выбираются 2 элемента - первичный и вторичный. Монстры данных элементов будут самые распространённые на данной карте, монстры же остальных элементов будут встречаться значительно реже.
Version 0.1
Additions: -Incorporated the maps made for Element Storm: Competitive. That would be Deathmatch maps ESM01-ESM05. This said, the Wad is not balanced for proper DM play. ALSO I found no credits for those maps, so if they weren't made by Maelstrom and Starscream, I hope someone can tell me who made 'em!
Bug Fixes: -All calls for A_FireCustomMissile (and weapon calls erroneously using A_CustomMissile) have been updated to A_FireProjectile.
-Undead Knights lacked melee attacks!
Quality of Life Changes: -Fixed typistry errors in the text. Grammar, capitalization, etc. across the board. -Altered almost all obituaries to be more consistent in form. -Added an Element wheel in the upper corner of the fullscreen HUD so you can see what color element counters which (just follow the colors clockwise).
-Steel is now called Metal. Changed for thematic reasons. -Energy is now called Lightning. Makes more sense as an element and allows Crystal to be a purple color for reasons mentioned below. -Glass is now called Crystal. Allows a color easier to differentiate from others. Before, Steel and Glass were very easy to mistake! -Light and Dark are now called Sacred and Profane to highlight their existence outside the elemental wheel.
Visual: -Adjusted the Neutral weapon's effect so it looked better.
-Made the Tidal Staff's visual effect less blinding.
-Lightning is now yellow because duh. -Crystal is now a purple color. Pretty! -Water is now a richer blue (it was grey-toned before and could look like Metal at a distance/during a chaotic fight). -Air is now cyan because that makes vastly more sense then orange. -Sacred enemies are now actually white instead of being sort of beigey.
-For the sake of visual feedback, there is now debris when the Tremor Staff boulder bounces against an actor, and the breaking of the projectile makes more debris.
-Fire Golem's fireballs have been scaled down to look less dire. -Fire and Lightning Monsters are now Fullbright. -Profane enemies are no longer translucent, and are ESPECIALLY not invisible because sheesh. -There are no more Ghost monsters; instead only Crystal monsters are translucent. Hurrah, visual clarity!
Balance: -There is now Spawn-weighting. Each level has a primary and secondary element, so you will tend to see monsters of those elements more often in that level. The weapons and ammo that counter those elements are weighted similarly. Example: The Level rolls Fire for Prime element, and Water for secondary element. This means you will see lots of Fire monsters, a healthy amount of Water monsters, and a smattering of other elements. You are more most likely to see the Tidal Staff and Lightning Gauntlets as a result.
-You no longer start with an Elemental weapon, just the Neutral weapon. -The Neutral element spell is now on Key 1. All elemental weapons are in a row from key 2-9 in the order of their elemental interactions. The Sacred and Profane weapons are together on key 0. -You can now only possess 3 of each Element Sphere at once.
-Element-Neutral starter damage raised from 2 to 3, and Powered version from 3 to 5. -The Element-Neutral starter spell now fires 4 tics faster and refires quickly. -The Element-Neutral projectile's speed was raised from 20 to 30 (Powered from 20 to 40), and now travels in a tight corkscrew so it's easier to actually hit things. -Ammo counts for weapons and pickups have been lowered across the board. -The Meteor Staff's refire rate was sped up by 9 tics, and it now deals area damage in a 128 unit radius. -Powered Meteor Staff's damage has been raised from 3 to 8 on a direct hit, and its speed was raised from 20 to 28. -The Energy Gauntlets now fire both projectiles simultaneously, are 4 units closer together, and each deal 8 damage (up from 6). -The Tremor Staff's damage was raised from 5 to 8, firing speed slowed by 18 tics, and impact force increased from 150 to 300. -Powered Tremor Staff damage raised from 8 to 10. -Tornado Claw damage raised from 2 to 3. -Crystal wand damage increased from 4 to 5. -The Acid Scourge's spread was reduced by 3, projectile speed increased by 6, and damage increased from 2 to 3. -Acid Scourge poison should now effect monsters. -The Tidal Staff's fire pattern was altered so it doesn't wander off to one side, and its damage was raised from 2 to 3. -The Steel, Sacred, and Profane weapons will no longer be reflected. -Steel Bolt's damage raised from 5 to 8 and its fire rate slowed by 8 tics. -Profane now fires 17 tics faster. -Unholy Bolt damage increased from 5 to 10. -Sacred now fires 15 tics faster. -Holy Bolt width increased from 15 to 20, and damage from 5 to 14.
-Edited all Gargoyles to correctly reflect the default Charging behavior. -Monsters now take half damage (instead of no damage) from a weapon matching their element. -Lightning no longer takes 2.5 times damage from itself, but half in accordance with the other elements. -The various characteristics of Monsters in different elements have been altered. Stats are normal where unspecified. -Fire has a slight speed boost, and instead of becoming afraid, gets sped up attacks at half health. -Air has a substantial speed boost but slightly less health, and halved mass. Can also dodge about! -Earth is slightly slower but has a decent health boost and regenerates back up to their max health by walking around. -Acid now always deals poison damage at range at 1 damage per second. More hits means a longer time being poisoned. -Metal is slow, with a big health boost and a halved pain chance. -Crystal is delicate and of course still reflects projectiles, but also possesses higher then normal damage. Glass cannons! -Lightning is the fastest and no longer regenerates. Lightning has a chance to double in speed for a short period! -Sacred and Profane have boosted stats all around but aren't as insane as before. Sacred still Rezzes, while Profane passes through others of its same species, has homing attacks, is fear-inducing to other monsters, and gains health attacking you.