Digiex Anti Leech

Oh no, it look's like your trying to download from Digiex.net from another site which isn't authorised.

We're sorry we can't complete the download for you, it's not your fault. It's just some pretty crappy webmaster or user who has just stolen our content that we worked hard on.

The fact you got this message means the file does actually exist on Digiex.net, it's just a case of finding it on our site which you can use the search bar at the top left, the categories on the top right or the Google Search below:

You DO NOT need to be a registered member of Digiex to download from our site.

I'm afraid we have to do this to protect our resources, hosting downloads is expensive business and sites that directly link to us take away our visitors which means we can't afford to keep them up. It's pretty much theft

While you're at it, please feel free to report it on the forum in the 'Site Issues and Feedback' area or by emailing webmaster@digiex.net and we're send a takedown notice to their web host and offer you thanks.

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