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Версия отличается от оригинального Chocolate Hexen 2.3.0 тем, что более совместима с записью демками и расширяет лимиты уровней как в Hexen-Plus 1.1.5
Chocolate Hexen 2.3.0 (special edition) This version contains fixes and additions for demo playback/recording. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Known desync problems: Demo-1,2 (Caldera.wad) This means that this version is not fully compatible with Hexen 1.1 and if you want record a 100% vanilla compatible demo it's better to use Hexen 1.1 or Hexen-Plus 1.1.5 by Andrey Budko.
Additions in this version: - net demos playback and correct realtime players switching by F12 spy-key; - added static limit removing identical/from Hexen-Plus 1.1.5; - auto-switching player inventory under demoplayback; - added '-recorddemofrom <savegame num> <demoname>' command for recording demo from save slot using correct method; - added '-playdemofrom <savegame num> <demoname>' command for playback demo recorded from save slot with correct method; - added support for Hexen v1.0, 4-level Demo versions 1 and 2, Retail Store Beta IWAD's. Engine/demos sync support only for Hexen v1.0, 4-level Demo version 2 and compatibility mode will set automatically when this IWAD's is used. Savegame files from Hexen v1.0 and older not supported; - current map and World time saved in log file if player pass through teleport, also saved frags in deathmatch mode; - some minor fixes for Hexen 1.1 and Chocolate Hexen 2.3.0.
Additional information: - original Chocolate Hexen 2.3.0 commands '-demoextend' and '-shortticfix' is removed, reverse logic is used when the functionality of these commands works by default, but it can be disabled by using new commands '-noDemoextend' and '-noShortticfix'. Details about all commands can be found in CMDLINE.txt; - playback net demos possible with '-solo-net' command, command line examples: - cooperative demo: chocolate-hexen -solo-net -playdemo CoopDemo; - deathmatch demo: chocolate-hexen -solo-net -deathmatch -nomonsters -playdemo DMDemo; - supports modified demo header for playback/recording identical vvHeretic4 modification, main modes like: nomonsters, respawn, longtics, netgame/coop and deathmatch can be read from such modified headers, which makes it possible to playback them automatically, without the need to use these commands, also in recording process this modes stored in demo header by default. For disable this feature for demo playback/recording need use '-strictdemos' command. - record/playdemofrom commands from the category not especially necessary, but can come in handy for recording solid demo series for whole iwad adventures, for large pwads, etc. A simple scheme for recording such series: - start recording first demo as a normal record '-record Movie1', before stopping recording need to make savegame, for example - in first slot 0, only after that stopping recording the demo; - to continue recording need use this savegame slot and start record with command '-recorddemofrom 0 Movie2', before stopping recording - make savegame in next slot 1 and stopping recording the demo; - continue recording with command '-recorddemofrom 1 Movie3', etc, etc. Playback a series of such demos can be similar to the recording: first normal demo with command '-playdemo Movie1', all others, recorded from save slot, with commands '-playdemofrom 0 Movie2', '-playdemofrom 1 Movie3', etc. Necessary for demoplayback savegame files should be located in main Chocolate Hexen save folder (hexndata by default).