Дата: Четверг, 2012-12-06, 14:54:15 | Сообщение # 1
Темный воин внешнего мира
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 2482
Статус: Offline
Мой вольный перевод - Brutal hexen будет полной реконструкцией в геймплее. Это не только много крови и причуливые эффекты огня и цастиц. Он выволит сражения на новый уровень, делая сражения более динамичными, жестокими, реалистичными и интересными. Тема на zdoom
- Very dynamic and violent melee combat. Create chain combos, and study the enemy's behavior and learn when is the best time to attack or defend. - Blood, gore, and guts everywhere! - Flares, new dynamic lights, and particles for fire, smoke, projectiles, and others. - Better liquid textures. Lava also creates glows on walls (OpenGL only feature).
Planed features: - Dynamic scenario with almost everything destroyable. - I don't have primary plans of adding fatalities a la Brutal Doom to it (not even First Person fatalities), but if somebody can provide fatality sprites for me, I would gladly add them.
Slot 1 - Timon's Axe and Shield Fire uses the Axe's regular attack. You can hold the fire button to hold the attack and remain in a steady position, then release it to unleash the attack. Alt Fire uses the shield to block any frontal attack. The Shield can't completely block explosive projectiles with splash damage, but it will sightly reduce the damage dealt by it. (PS: Please note that this is still an alpha test, and the shield may not always block everything). Chain Combos: - When you stop blocking, immediately press the fire button before the shield gets to the open stance again, and you will do a shield bash attack. A shield bash attack deals the same damage of a regular attack, but knocks back and stuns an enemy for a moment. - When you are finishing the regular attack, right after you hear the hit sound, press fire again to unleash a stronger attack. - At the end of the stronger attack, you can do a third combo by pressing alt fire to bash with your shield.
Slot 2 - Thunder Crossbow Fires thunder arrows. Uses 8 blue mana per shot. It's a good weapon for medium range combat, but it's inefficiency for long range combat due it's inaccuracy.
Slot 3 - Battlehammer Primary attack doesn't costs mana and deals a bit more damage than the Timon's Axe, but it takes more time to recover. Alt fire unleashes an explosive attack that deals area damage and consumes 15 red mana.
Slot 4 - Quietus I haven't changed it yet. It still is the same weapon. Item Diferences Flechette: Throws it like a grenade. Deals some area damage, but not enough to kill an enemy (unless you throw 3 or 4 in a row). If you have many of them (more than 6 or 7), this can be very useful for clearing rooms, or kill bunkered enemies by throwing it into windows.
Статус : альфа 01 Покачто можно лишь сыграть за баратуса. Доступно новое 1 , 2 и 3 оружие, монстры еще не все брутальны. Но по скринам мясо уже есть Ссылка на альфу: http://www.mediafire.com/?vv5s5ec06g3qek0 аниме спасет мир :3
Сообщение отредактировал Reiko - Пятница, 2012-12-07, 14:53:03
Дата: Понедельник, 2012-12-10, 16:57:36 | Сообщение # 4
Темный воин внешнего мира
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 2482
Статус: Offline
Вышла бета
BETA 1 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2cs10ch2hpa96c2 In this Beta, you can only play with Baratus. All weapons are working (but still need some touchups and new sounds). All monsters are "brutalized" and give XP. This Beta is for public testing purposes and feedback, and does not reflects the quality of the final product. аниме спасет мир :3