Дата: Воскресенье, 2017-05-21, 06:31:12 | Сообщение # 18
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Доброго здравьица, ведьмаки!
ЦитатаDoctordoom ()
Мод шикарный, гораздо круче diabolic.
Собственно Thetis как раз и вдохновлялся дьяболиком, можно сказать что мод вырос из него; по мере развития WoC разраб дьяболика PouncingAnt не раз восторгался модом.
Заскочил я собственно сообщить две новости - хорошую и хорошую:
1. Несмотря на странную необщительность Тэтиса за последний год, он таки втихомолку выпустил WoC 2.0! Форумчанин здума нашёл совершенно случайно. Причём критических багов пока не замечено так что тем более скрывать-то вроде нечего. Ну и поскольку ни анонса ни чейнджлога официально до сих пор не прибыло, то пришлось разбираться самому. Вот собственно список изменений которых я обнаружил (наверняка их больше):
FROM 1.8A TO 2.0 ======================== Major Changes: * Treasure chests and keys added. * Added a new stat "charisma", which affects the shop prices and health\damage for summons and pets. * Now inventory capacity depends on a character Strength. * Now character receive 3 stats points per level-up. * Added skill synergy system, earlier and related skills does amplified each other. * New sounds for attacks, skills, etc. * New more informative monster healthbars added (name, level). * Nerfed hp\mp regeneration rates. * Changed monsters leveling mechanic - in Hexen wads monsters are not spawns at current map with appropriate to you level anymore, instead of this they are becomes spawned appropriate to you level only after map changing or revisiting. \\ Can't exclude it's a bug. \\ Classes: - Fighter * Vengeance (new passive skill) - taking damage will increase your own damage. - Cleric * Holy Bolt (Punishment skill replacement) - fire a holy missile that explodes, healing allies and damaging foes. \\ Quite fair replacement. \\ * Wraith (modified) - now ghosts is mortal and can be killed \\ Seems like they are affected by charisma now. \\ * Intervention (new passive skill) - once every 5 minutes, whenever your health is reduced to below 10%, heal yourself to maximum health and become invulnerable. - Mage * Spark (reworked) - now acts like a shotgun * Energy Absorb (modified) - now shows counter of absorbed energy * Glacier (new skill) - creates an area of sharp ice spikes on the land, damaging all enemies near them. \\ Powerful, toneless and very laggy skill. \\ * Lightning Surge (Frost Storm skill replacement) - acts like a Frost Storm without ice shards and sky lightnings. \\ Old skill was more spectaculary. \\ - Hunter * Nature's Salve (new skill) - places a potion that will regenerate % health for 10 seconds whoever picks it up. \\ That's exactly what was lack; effect doesn't stack, potions can't be carried. \\ - Necromancer * Life Tap (modified) - also cursed target regenerate you and nearby teammates. * Raise Dead (new skill) - ressurect slain enemies infront of you. Misc: * Now in stats menu shows % damage reduction from armor. * Added max level adjustor in the WoC options.
Сожалею что на аглицком (помнится мне что кое-кто из местных его не шибко жаловал), но буржуи наш язык знают хуже чем мы их. Собс-но я и сам тот ещё "знаток", поэтому старался писАть как можно проще.
2. А теперь вторая новость. Wrath of Cronos GUIDE. Я только что закончил клепать весьма детальный гайд по моду (опять таки на буржуйском), для последней 2.0 версии разумеется. Выкладываю по разделам, а в конце поста кину общий .тхт Ладно, поехали:
Shopkeeper (Cloacked guy, looks like MacGuffin from Strife) - you can trade with him. He sells anything except reagents and weapons. Probably he (as like the Treasure chests) may randomly replace next items on thier usual spawn points:
in Hexen - Force Cube, Porkalator, Boots of speed, Banishment device; in Heretic - Tyketto's Tome of Power, Gauntlets of the Necromancer; in Doom - Berserk pack, Chainsaw, Megasphere.
Treasure keys can be randomly dropped by Imps, Bishops, Reivers and common Ettins.
Ettins 1) Ettin 180 hp 2) Ettin Commander 500 hp - ranged attack 3) Bormereth (Class-boss - fear and confuse immunity, can't be controlled or revived, accessory drop) 1200 hp \Fireball \Tripple Fireball \Tripple Volley Fireball \Charged Homing Fireball \Flame Shield
Afrits 1) Afrit (Yellow) (can't be revived) 80 hp 2) Afrit Leader (Red) (can't be revived) 160 hp 3) Afrit Commander (Blue) (can't be controlled or revived) 300 hp 4) Afrit Queen (Purple) (Class-boss - fear and confuse immunity, can't be controlled or revived, accessory drop) 1000 hp \Ghostly Clones \Homing Missiles
Serpents 1) Chaos Serpent (Green) 250 hp 2) Chaos Serpent (Brown) 250 hp - poison 3) Magma Serpent (Red) 600 hp - splash 4) Black Serpent (Black) 600 hp - poison splash 5) Spectral Chaos Serpent (White) (Class-boss - fear and confuse immunity, can't be controlled or revived, accessory drop) 1400 hp \Manaburn \Ghostly \Ghostly Breath (can't be deflected) \Ghostly Multyshot (5)
Stalkers 1) Swamp Stalker (can't be controlled or revived) 130 hp 2) Swamp Stalker (Leader) (can't be controlled or revived) 130 hp - poison 3) Ice Stalker (can't be controlled or revived) 180 hp 4) Ice Stalker (Leader) (can't be controlled or revived) 160 hp - ice shards
Sabreclaws 1) Sabreclaw 190 hp - leap attack 2) Razreblade 240 hp - leap attack, ranged attack
Centaures 1) Centaur 220 hp - shield block 2) Slaughtaur 300 hp - shield block, ranged attack
Wendigos 1) Wendigo (pain immunity, can't be controlled or revived) 280 hp
Imps 1) Imp Warrior 200 hp - shield block \Bat Familiar 10 hp \Dragon Familiar 25 hp - flame breath 2) Imp Warlord 250 hp - shield block \Bat Familiar 10 hp \Dragon Familiar 25 hp - flame breath \Homing Fireball \Double Fireball \Poison Tripleshot \Poison Multyshot (5) \Crimson Missile
Bishops 1) Dark Bishop (Green) 160 hp 2) Dark Acolyte (Black-red) (can't be controlled or revived) 160 hp - healer!!! 3) Dark Disciple (Purple) (can't be controlled) 220 hp - triplechain shot 4) Vampire (Black-white) 200 hp - Heart of Yorick attack + batstrike
Reivers 1) Reiver (Red) (can't be controlled) 240 hp 2) Poison Reiver (Green) (can't be controlled) 250 hp - poison 3) Ghost (White) (can't be controlled) 280 hp - ghostly, tripleshot
* - criticals by Fists primary fire ocassionally does harm .|. - Primary|Alt-fire () - only with mana works s - only splash works sh - only splash works but hard to realize
2. Ghostly invulnerability to skills
Class\Skills which doesn't harm
Fighter - Mighty Blow, Stomp, Hook Shot; (War Cry deals ridiculous damage) Cleric - none Hunter - Bear Trap, Spike Trap, Ice Arrow, Fan of Knives, Raven Companion; (Trip Bomb works but didn't activates) Necro - (Metamorph alt-mode single blast projectile - only splash) Mage - Ice Bolt; (Deep Freeze - only radius and splash)
Imps - Platinum Helmet Ettin Commander - Mesh Armor Reiver - Mesh Armor Centaurs - Falcon Shield Dark Bishop - Amulet of Warding Dark Acolyte - Ring of Protection
1. Quartz potions
Minor Quartz Potion -> 10% - (15)% health Quartz Potion -> 25% - (37,5)% health Major Quartz Potion -> 33% - (49,5)% health Supreme Quartz Potion -> 50% - (75)% health (value)% - with a Philosopher Stone
2. Mystic Ambit Incant (looks like a magic scroll)
Fighter -> armor boosts for you and allies Cleric -> heals you and allies Hunter -> speed boost for you and allies for 30 seconds Necro -> fear from you and allies for 30 seconds Mage -> mana\magic for you and allies
Hint: Philosopher Stone boost flasks damage by 25%. Hint: all types of damaging flasks scales with a character level and isn't affected by stats. Hint: all types of damaging flasks can does pierce through Heresiarch shield.
Rare 01) Aqua Flask (Blue + White) -> throws a grenade that explodes to create damaging water. 02) White Flask (Black + any flask) -> creates a cloud that solidifies and blocks projectiles. 03) Black Flask (Red + Green<=>Blue + Orange<=>Yellow + Purple) -> creates a cloud that summons a friendly Kniht Archer.
Uncommon 04) Purple Flask (Red + Blue) -> creates a cloud that shoots out magical shots all around it. 05) Orange Flask (Red + Yellow) -> throws a grenade that creates a ring of fireballs. 06) Maroon Flask (Red + Tan) -> sets a bomb that can be shot at (actually works like a mine).
Common 07) Yellow Flask (should be Red + Green but create Black instead) -> throws an explosive grenade. 08) Blue Flask (Empty Flask + Blue Reagent) -> creates a cloud that rains down ice shards. 09) Green Flask (Empty Flask + Green Reagent<=>Yellow + Blue) -> creates a lingering gas cloud. 10) Tan Flask (Empty Flask + Tan Reagent) -> throws a flask that shatters into several shards. 11) Red Flask (Empty Flask + Red Reagent) -> sets a bomb that detonates shortly after. 12) Empty Flask
Reagents can be obtained by two ways: a) as regular loot and b) spawned when objects (gore\gibs\projectiles\splashes) hitting the floor with a specific texture.
Afrits and Ettins drops Red, Wendigo and Ice Stalkers drops Blue reagent; hitting swampy water will result a rich harvest of Green, while hitting a lava bring some Red, but Blue reagent can be obtained through a hard mining on the icy floor.
Some enemies randomly drops flasks:
Ettins - Empty Imps - Empty, Black Centaur - Empty, Maroon Slaughtaur - Empty, Blue All Bishops - Orange Dark Disciple - Purple Vampire - Black Reiver - Green, Black, White Poison Reiver - Green Ghost - White
Bormereth - Red, Yellow Afrit Queen - any flask exclude Empty, Maroon and White
Top Tier 01) Lich Skull -> your attacks have a chance (small chance) to 50% lifesteal. 02) Orb of Clarity -> chance (small chance) to restore mana after each kill. 03) Charm of Spirit -> +50% hp\magic regen.
Middle Tier 04) Bracers of Force -> every 10 seconds, your weapon fires an extra magical projectile. 05) Blood Amulet -> +50% dmg when your hp below 50%. 06) Polymorph Protection Rune -> -10% damage taken and immunity to polymorph effect. 07) Living Steel Amulet -> you regenerate a point of armor every 10 seconds, up to 20 points. 08) Ring of Focus -> reduces the delay between spells by 10 tics. 09) Philosopher Stone -> +50% to hp potions efficiency and alchemy success rate, and +25% flasks dmg.
Crappy Tier 10) Quick Silver Treads -> +20% move speed and jump height. 11) Mask of Terror -> cause monsters to run away from you in fear in random intervals. 12) Cloack of Shadows -> you become invisible and ghostlike in low light areas (very dark areas). 13) Talisman of the Depths -> -25% ice damage taken and "you can breathe endlessly underwater" (sic).
1. Notable skillbreaks and hints
1.1. Fighter
Hint: Criticals by Fists primary fire ocassionally damages ghostly enemies. Hint(seems for Hexen only): Hook Shot can does insta-kill a non-bosses, whenever you stand higher (on a cliff forex) than target and throw in, the Hook does attempt to pull target to you and IF a hooked foe collides with a obstacle on the way then it's become throwed up and receive 1kk falling damage after landing.
1.2. Cleric
Hint: Blunt Mastery grows by +10% per slvl up to 100%, affects shield damage.
Skill name (effect difference)\Skill level 1-3 4-6 7-10 Wraith (ghosts number) 1 2 3 Hint: does pierce through shield block Holy Shield (walls quantity) 2 walls +1 wall per slvl up to 12 walls Intervention (duration) 5,5 seconds +0,5 second per slvl up to 10 seconds
1.3. Hunter
Hint: Fan of Knives receive damage bonus from both Masteries.
Skill name (effect difference)\Skill level 1-3 4-6 7-10 Spike Trap (spikes quantity) 1 5 9 Hint: you can walk and shoot through spikes while foes can't either Fire Arrow (explosion type) (1 medium) (1 medium + 5 small) (1 medium + 10 small) Ice Arrow (ice shards quantity) 3 5 7 Lightning Arrow (rays quantity) 1 1+2 Raven Companion (ravens number) 1 2 3
1.4. Necro
Hint(exploit probably): Life Tap may be applied on some non-living targets like some trees, bushes, corpses and even jars! Hint(exploit probably): Life Tap may be applied on the revived creatures! Hint: Rise Dead may be applied on the same corpse unlimited times. Hint(exploit probably): Revived creatures may leave loot after its death!
Skill name (effect difference)\Skill level 1-3 4-6 7-10 Darkness (clouds quantity) 1 2 3 Hint: does pierce through shield block Poison Blast (splash radius) medium big huge Shadow (skills) red misslie learned Darkness Darkness casts often Ghoul (skills) charge learned Poison Nova learned Poison Strike, Poison Nova casts often Revenant (skills) hitscan blast learned DoT Mark learned Bone Shower, DoT Mark casts often
1.5. Mage
Skill name (effect difference)\Skill level 1-3 4-6 7-10 Fireball (splits quantity) 1 1 splits on (1+2) 1 splits on (1+4) Hint: initial fireball will stay if it doesn't hit destructible target Fire Trap (splash radius) medium big huge Meteor (splits quantity) 1+4 1+8 Ice Bolt (bolt type) shard (arrow with small splash) Deep Freeze (radius) medium big huge Blizzard (duration) 5,5 seconds +0,5 second per slvl up to 10 seconds Spark (sparks quantity) 15 sparks +1 spark per slvl up to 25 sparks Energy Absorb (charge amount) 8 charges +1 charge per slvl up to 18 charges Polymorph (eggs quantity) 1 egg +2 eggs per slvl after 1st slvl up to 19 eggs
2. Stats influence on skills
2.1. Fighter
War Cry - INT, but damage stay ridiculous Mighty Blow - probably scales with STR or doesn't scales by stats anyway Charge - STR Stomp - STR Hook Shot - AGI
2.2. Cleric
All healing skills (include Aura) - WIS All direct damage skills except Wraith - INT Retribution - INT Wraith - CHA, also equally scales to your level Summon Legend - CHA, also equally scales to your level
2.3. Hunter
Ele-Arrows - probably scales with AGI or doesn't scales by stats anyway Fan of Knives - AGI Traps - AGI Raven Companion - CHA
2.4. Necro
Summons - CHA, also equally scales to your level All direct damage skills - INT Metamorph - INT Life Tap - WIS
2.5. Mage
All direct damage skills - INT
1. Stats grow rates for classes
Stats\Class Fighter Cleric Hunter Necro Mage
Health Points per level 6 5 4 3 2 Health Points per Constitution 6 5 4 3 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mana Points per level 2 3 4 5 6 Mana Points per Intellect 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic Points per level 2 3 4 5 6 Magic Points per Wisdom 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Base item capacity 10 9 8 7 6 *Capacity per Strength 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 * - counts separately from starting Str
S - Strength A - Agility I - Intellect .|. - Primary|Alt-fire () - having mana doubles weapon base damage or a damage for that attack type [] - yep, it means if you invest in STR but not in INT you will do FAR less damage from a ranged attacks than melee EVEN WITHOUT mana and vice versa! * - yep, lifesteal IS STR-based ** - yep, ONLY alt-fire grows by BOTH stats simultaneously
Вечерком перезалью на здум. Переписывать на родной не буду, а в остальном - обсуждение и критика приветствуются, если появятся вопросы постараюсь помочь. Ну вот как-то так.
P. S. То ли я криворукий, то ли с редактором чет не то но вся разметка в кодах по пизде пошла. Правда в текстовике всё ровно. Да, чуть не забыл - ссылки на файлы и порядок установки\запуска с примерами внутри файла; для совсем ленивых:
Дата: Пятница, 2017-05-26, 13:06:46 | Сообщение # 21
Темный воин внешнего мира
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TancreDim, вот сделал патч для еретика, в сингле теперь есть оружие. Но остается проблема в что что в коопе при подборе оружия в хексене и еретике оружие исчезает и другим игрокам уже не взять его. Запускать так: wrathofcronosr2.pk3 , wrathofcronosnothexenpatch.pk3, wrathofcronoshereticpatch2.pk3, wrathofcronosr2_hereticweapfix.pk3
Дата: Пятница, 2017-05-26, 13:21:03 | Сообщение # 22
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Сообщений: 180
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Респект, в гоззе пашет!
ЦитатаReiko ()
Но остается проблема в что что в коопе при подборе оружия в хексене и еретике оружие исчезает и другим игрокам уже не взять его.
Т. е. в коопе оружие становится одноразовым для всех, так что ли?
А причём тут Хекса? Ведь Хекс и Еретик запускаются с разными параметрами, а твой патч для Еретика онли, если я правильно понимаю. Да, и почему "wrathofcronosnothexenpatch" запускается вторым, это принципиально для твоего патча? Пишите в личку если что.
"Poor HeXen. Along with Strife, it's been the neglected red-headed stepchild."
NaN is my favourite number.
Сообщение отредактировал TancreDim - Пятница, 2017-05-26, 13:46:03
В моей сборке можно просто заменить соответствующие файлы на новые, с правкой батников. До НГ постараюсь обновить и перезалить паки, подправить ссыли, а пока что WoC 2.0c2 (3 файла за период 9-10 декабря) можно взять из списка по этой ссылке:
Под спойлером неофициальный (всё, что мне пока удалось обнаружить) чейнджлог на инглише с 2.0 по 2.0c2:
Major Changes: *Class specialization system was added - after reach 15th level you can choose 1 of 3 spec path, each of them have contain a 3 passive skills for now. //(and 1 active spec skill in future versions probably)//
*Class spec option has avalable in ingame menu. *Scroll of Reversion item was added for total respec. *A new cool floated healthbars was added. Also it's toggleable at WoC options menu.
Classes: -Warrior *Criticals by Fists primary fire doesn't harm ghostly enemies anymore. *Warrior Specs **Destroyer: "A battle hardened warrior who uses overbearing strength to cut foes down." ***Passive: Bloodlust (Killing an enemy grants a short duration damage buff) ***Passive: Vigor (Critical Strikes now restore a small amount of Magick) ***Passive: Relentless (Landing melee attacks increases your strength for 4 seconds. This can stack indefinitely) **Vanguard: "A stalwart protector with powerful defenses, protecting themselves and allies." ***Passive: Temperance (Taking damage reduces subsequent damage received by 6%, and stacks up to 30%) ***Passive: Presence (Nearby enemies are more likely to attack you) ***Passive: Second Wind (Your health regeneration is increased by 2% for every 1% of missing health) **Commander: "A veteran of battle whose presence motivates nearby allies." ***Passive: Inspire (Landing critical hits also heal allies) ***Passive: Intimidate (War Cry causes enemies to take 25% increased damage) ***Passive: Rally (Battle Shout also reduces the damage allies take by 15%)
-Cleric *Divine Light (cost) 40+slvl*2 -> 40+slvl*1,5 *Cleric Specs **Purifier: "A wielder of holy light, smities foes and bolstering allies." ***Passive: Blessed Ground (Consecration now also heals allies for each pulse) ***Passive: Deep Healing (Heals are increased by 0.5% per 1% of the target's missing health.) ***Passive: Sanctuary (Holy Shield can now block monsters) **Oracle: "Watchers of the afterlife, using the spirits of the dead to wreak havoc on enemies." ***Passive: Martyrdom (Summon Legend no longer has a time limit and is considere a pet. Any extra time given by Curse and Wraiths is converted into bonus health.)
***Passive: Judgement (Visions can now also convert enemies in a small AoE) ***Passive: Punishment (Curse now explodes, dealing damage at the end of its duration) **Inquisitor: "A righteous crusader who strikes down foes with blunted strikes empowered by the scars of battle." ***Passive: Blood Gift (Attacks with Sacrifice empowered attacks now also heal the cleric for 10% of his missing health) ***Passive: Aura Mastery (Auras now give the cleric a 10% additional boost.) ***Passive: Bathed in Light (Whenever Intervention is triggered, you also gain a 50% damage boost and 50% damage resistance for twice the duration)
-Hunter *Trip Bomb (cost) 12 -> 12+slvl*0,5 *Nature's Salve (cost) 14+slvl -> 14+slvl*0,5 //yay, medical care is more available now!// *Nature's Salve is affected by WIS now. *Hunter Specs **Marksman: "A sharpshooter who uses ranged weaponry to kill from afar." ***Passive: Focus (Standing still for 5 seconds grants a 2x damage bonus) ***Passive: Mobility (The Enchanted Bow no longer slows you when drawn) ***Passive: Farsight (Unlocks your weapon's ability to zoom, granting a 2x zoom effect and a 25% damage increase. Does not apply to Machete.)
**Duelist: "Aa agile fighter who uses speed and precision to overwhelm enemies." ***Passive: Laceration (The Machete now forces pain and causes enemies to bleed overtime) ***Passive: Posthaste (You gain a speed boost whenever you take damage) ***Passive: Deterrance (Your machete strikes now block projectiles) **Survivalist: "An expert in self preservation, using their wits and cunning to dispatch foes." ***Passive: Trap Launching (Bear Trap, Spike Trap and Noxious Trap can now be lobbed a short distance away) ***Passive: Potent Salve (Nature's Salve heals health over 5 seconds instead of 10) ***Passove: Entrapment (Whenever a trap is triggered, you restore magick equal to 25% of its cost)
-Necromancer *Curses isn't hitscan now. *Life Tap can't be applied on non-living targets anymore. *Life Tap can't be applied on the revived creatures anymore. *Necromancer Specs **Plaguebringer: "A master of poisons and toxins, spreadin disease all around to bring foes an agonyzing death." ***Passive: Epidemic (Poison attacks now fully explosive and have a 50% larger splash radius) ***Passive: Plague (Poisonous projectiles now cause extra poison damage over time) ***Passive: Outbreak (Any monster that is killed by you explodes in Blight) **Harvester: "A manipulator of souls who uses them to either bolster allies or impair enemies." ***Passive: Defilement (Curse abilities now also afflict nearby enemies) //The curses radius depends on its slvl// ***Passive: Reap (Nearby enemies have a chance to drop a soul upon death, restoring some health and mana) ***Passive: Blood Bound (Whenever you are healed, you also heal nearby allies for 25% of the healing received) **Conjuror: "Master of death, raising the dead and commanding summons to overwhelm enemies." ***Passive: Servitude (Whenever a summon is killed, restore magick equal to 50% of its cost) ***Passive: Deathly Renewal (Summon health regeneration is doubled) ***Passive: Unholy Infusion (Having a Shadow out makes you ghostlike, having a Ghoul out reduces damage taken by 15%, having a Revenant out increases your speed by 15%, having a Death Knight out increases damage by 15%)
*Blizzard (cost) 35+slvl*1,5 -> 30+slvl*1,5 *Pillar of Flame (modified) - now additionally emits a lot of bouncing fireballs //more fascinating, more destructive// *Arctic Glacier (modified) - changed trace vector of ice spikes from radial shaped to phalanx //still fuking laggy, but less than first version//
*Mage Specs **Pyro: "A spellcaster igniting enemies with gouts of fire and flame." ***Passive: Flame Mastery (All fire damage dealt is increased by 10%) ***Passive: Molten Shield (Reduces fire damage taken by 20% and causes attacking monsters to take damage) ***Passive: Blast Wave (Explosive fire damage now inflict full damage in it's splash radius) **Iceborn: "A wielder of ice and cold who freezes and shatters enemies in their tracks." ***Passive: Ice Mastery (All ice damage is increased by 10%) ***Passive: Ice Armor (Reduces ice damage taken by 20% and reduces all other damage taken by 10%) ***Passive: Frigidity (All ice spells force pain) **Archon: "Master of mana and energy, creating storms and manipulating the arcane to annihilate foes." ***Passive: Energy Mastery (All lightning and arcane damage is increased by 10%) ***Passive: Energy Ward (Reduces arcane and lightning damage taken by 20% and causes incoming damage to restore magick) ***Passive: Greater Arcane Barrier (Arcane Barrier now also grants barrier for 50% of the original barrier)
Misc: *Skills in ingame menu are cyclable now. *Doom D'Sparil has been upped. I mean really UPPED - he has 8 kinds of offensive skills now and one of them is utterly ultimative.
Если вкратце, то кроме баланса, бестиария, косметических изменений и багфиксов, наконец-то введена (частично) система специализации сабклассов. На данный момент представляет из себя возможность с 15 левела выбрать один из трёх сабклассов (path), предоставляющих сразу 3 уникальные пассивки кардинально меняющие геймплэй. Вероятно, в будущих версиях каждому подклассу добавят по 1 уникальному активному скиллу.
По-прежнему пашет только на гоззе не выше версии 2.2, ну и на зандро офк. Надеюсь что Тэтис вскоре таки подкрутит совместимость. Пишите в личку если что.
"Poor HeXen. Along with Strife, it's been the neglected red-headed stepchild."
NaN is my favourite number.
Сообщение отредактировал TancreDim - Вторник, 2017-12-19, 04:49:35
Дата: Четверг, 2017-12-21, 02:00:00 | Сообщение # 26
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Всегда пожалуйста.
Честно говоря, никогда особо не рассматривал мага в ВоКе как имбового (разве что сапфир палка) - он таки самый дохлый, а новый щит-скилл и резистные пассивки ему в самый раз. Правда в мультике он теперь значительно опасней стал.
Вот что меня не порадовало, так это что у Некра проклятья теперь не хитскан а миссайли (хоть и красивые).
Добавлено (2017-12-21, 02:00:00) --------------------------------------------- Начал запиливать вику по ВоКу http://wrath-of-cronos-rpg.wikia.com/wiki/Wrath_of_Cronos_RPG_Wiki желающим причаститься - милости просим. Буду особенно признателен тем кто пофиксит мой ужасный инглиш или зальёт пикчи\иконки. Пишите в личку если что.
"Poor HeXen. Along with Strife, it's been the neglected red-headed stepchild."
NaN is my favourite number.
Сообщение отредактировал TancreDim - Четверг, 2017-12-21, 02:07:05
еще в последней версии мода (wrathofcronosv2.2.pk3) у меня почему то не отображает полоску здоровья и название врагов на hud в середине сверху, у меня одного так? аниме спасет мир :3